Our Family started doing 25 days of Christmas a couple of years ago and it's here to stay! It's so much fun spending quality time with the family and building lasting memories for years to come. Here is how we do it and 40 ideas to add to your list of daily holiday activities.
The 25 days of Christmas are 25 activities that we do, together as a family, each day of December until Christmas day. Some of these activities take 30 minutes, some take several hours, but it's device-free time for us to create traditions.
Why we do it
If you're looking for a fun and festive way to celebrate the holiday season, this tradition is my favorite. The 25 days of Christmas is a great way to redirect the focus of the holidays away from the things and the stuff and toward what we are really lucky to already have - our family.
I know it's probably corny. As someone who isn't terribly sentimental with things and stuff, Christmas gives me all the feels. I'm really into making memories and taking pictures in case those don't last.
I don't know about you, but I am terrible at getting caught up in the routine of things. Especially parenting things. Time goes by so sinkin' fast! I take December to make family and spending quality time together with my people a priority. If you are awesome at doing this every day year-round - please tell me your secrets below.
Make a Plan
First thing is first, get out your calendars! We always make sure to plan each activity on a day when we will have time to do them. Each year, you'll need to rearrange the activities you're keeping and definitely throw in some new ones as the kids age! I'll have a whole list of ideas below for you if you're drawing a blank.
Way to Display Your 25 Days
CHALKBOARD TAGS OR ORNAMENTS: This is how we do it. We have double-sided chalkboard tags that I painted the numbers 1-25 on. On the Other side, I write down what activity we're going to do that day.
I use a non-wax based white colored pencil to write ours down. Chalk tends to write too big and the chalk pens don't erase completely.
Once they're all done, we hang them on the tree, number side out and flip them over as the days pass by.
Here are some super cute tags that are similar to mine (I can't find my exact ones anymore, bummer!)
A READY MADE ADVENT CALENDAR: An advent calendar is a little more ready-to-go, and the numbers are already labeled for you. All you need to do is type up and print or handwrite the activities and place them in the slots.
CALENDAR OR A LIST: If you don't have time or don't want to spend money on a way to display it, you don't need to. Just keep in your calendar or keep a running list somewhere like the fridge or on a chalkboard.
40 Holiday Activities to Add to Your 25 Days
Finally, I have a list of things to get you started. Feel free to add to these in the comments below. There are loads of ideas for stay at home activities this year!
These activities do not have to be Christmas specific. We do a few that are just fun ways to spend time together no matter what.
1. Bake cookies for Santa
2. Make "reindeer food" (Usually a variation of "Muddy Buddies")
3. Make your own pizza
4. Hot cocoa bar (usually with a holiday movie)
5. Bake a pie
6. Build a gingerbread house (get a kit from Target)
7. Make popcorn or cranberry garland
8. Have a virtual ugly Christmas sweater party
9. Visit Santa (you do this virtually this year!)
10. Write a letter to Santa
11. Decorate the tree
12. Christmas karaoke
13. Christmas light scavenger hunt
14. Gift wrapping day
16. Make handmade gifts
17. Sledding
18. Build a snowman
19. Snowball fight
20. Read elf on the shelf and put him out
21. Adopt a family
22. Make Christmas ornaments
23. Do a Christmas craft kit from a craft store
24. Make paper snowflakes
25. Sleep under the Christmas tree
27. Ugly Sweater Day
28. Wear Christmas socks
29. Breakfast for Dinner
30. Build a fort
33. Make gifts for the grandparents
34. Roast marshmallows
35. Read a Christmas story
36. Make a wreath
37. Wear matching pajamas
38. Private holiday movie showing
39. Pick out toys for tots and drop off
40. Christmas Day! (The easy one for 25!)
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